Blessed are the Peacemakers Movie: A Journey to Palestine

What's the big deal about Israel and Palestine? Why all the controversy? What do Israelis say about it? What do Palestinians say about it? Is peace in the region possible?

The Holy Land (or Israel and Palestine) is a land fraught with controversy, conflict, and confusion. But here is a fantastic resource to watch at home or share with a group.

Photographer, visual peacemaker, and Peace Catalyst staff member, Andy Larsen has spent a good amount of time in the Holy Land and has collaborated with Emmy award-winning producer John Yeager to produce the movie Blessed Are The Peacemakers, documenting Andy's journey through the Holy Land and telling the stories of real people living life there.

The movie is inspiring, sobering, and enlightening, whether you know a lot about the subject or none at all. 

Find out more about the movie here. You can watch the trailer, rent the movie, buy it online, or find a screening near you. 

Check it out and be sure to share it with your friends!



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