YOU can bring peace to our divided world.
Your donation helps neighbors connect, build stronger communities, and heal divisions!
Yes! Peace Catalyst is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Credit card or bank account transfers are the preferred donation method, but we also accept checks. We do not accept cash or gifts in kind.
If you’d like to give to a specific Peace Catalyst peacebuilder, you can do so here or by writing the preferred peacebuilder’s name in the memo line of your check. In this way, gifts can be designated for a particular ministry; however, in the event that a ministry is discontinued or overfunded, Peace Catalyst International reserves the right to redirect your donation for other needs within the organization.
Set up a new donation using the form on our Donate page and then send us an email at info@peacecatalyst.org and we'll cancel your old donation information.
Send us an email at info@peacecatalyst.org to cancel a donation.
Make checks payable to Peace Catalyst International and send to:
Peace Catalyst International, 1321 Upland Dr. Suite #11123, Houston, TX, 77043
In the memo line write "Waging Peace Fund" OR the name of the peacemaker your gift is for.