Peacebuilding Learning Resources
Intro to Christian Peacebuilding Small Group Guide
What is Christian peacebuilding, and what does it look like in real life? We put together an easy-to-use, 6-week guide you can use in your own small group to explore these questions. Our curriculum has everything you need. Just gather a group and pick one or two people to facilitate the conversation.
Getting Started With Community Peacebuilding
We’ve put together a guidebook to give you some tools and easy first steps toward understanding your context, connecting across differences, and collaborating with your neighbors for change in your community.
Why we care about shalom
The biblical concept of “shalom” is at the heart of what we do and is even one of our organizational values. Read about what shalom means to us.

Why your church should start training for peacebuilding
Peacebuilding is desperately needed in a holistic way. Not just as an additional church activity or program, but as a driving paradigm for how Christians understand God’s mission and the Church’s vocation. The need for each of us - and for our whole churches - to embrace peacebuilding is urgent, and we’ve got to start now.