Growing Young Peacemakers: The Why and How of Youth Peace Education
Today's children are not just tomorrow's leaders, neighbors, parents, and community members; they are also capable of leading today. If we want to build a peaceful, flourishing future, we must begin teaching our youth the culture of peace now, empowering them to lead and make an impact today. Join PCI's Peter Digitale Anderson for a conversation with US peace educator Julie Lillie and Nigerian peace educator Moses Abolade about training young peacebuilders across the world.
Peacebuilders’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
The Peacebuilder’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is an immersive learning journey through the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel, led by experienced peacebuilding practitioners. This unique pilgrimage goes beyond traditional site-seeing to engage deeply with the present-day realities of life under occupation, allowing participants to witness firsthand the efforts for peace and justice in a deeply divided region. Our itinerary includes visits to places such as Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and the Gaza envelope.
Social Change Roles: Finding Your Place in Crisis and Conflict
To achieve a more just and peaceful society, all of our communities have ways that need to change and work that needs to be done. Maybe we’re struggling for racial justice, addressing the epidemic of loneliness, defending neighbors from deportation, promoting more green spaces, or advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza—there’s no shortage of ways to get involved.
But how do you know what to do? What are different ways to work for change, and which one is right for you?
CPN Collaborative Conversations
Join our bi-monthly connection and networking meeting to meet fellow peacebuilders from around the globe, share challenges and insights, and explore collaborative opportunities. As we connect regularly as a network, our intention is to amplify our individual efforts and sustain our commitment to follow Jesus as part of God’s mission toward holistic and just peace.
Healing Wounds, Building Peace: Principles for Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding from Bosnia to Your Community
Join Peace Catalyst’s Mirela Popaja-Hadžić, therapist and trauma awareness trainer, for a workshop on principles for healing and transforming trauma as part of transforming our communities.
Crisis in South Korea: Understanding the Turmoil Rocking South Korea's Democracy
The South Korean President declared martial law on December 3rd. The world watched with amazement as the Korean people rallied to their National Assembly in the middle of the night. Lawmakers pushed through police, and soldiers to gain access to their parliament and voted to overturn martial law within six hours. What lies underneath this strong reaction? What's happening in the aftermath? And what can we learn from it?
“Blessed Are the Others” with Andrew DeCort (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
Join our bi-monthly connection and networking meeting to meet fellow peacebuilders from around the globe, share challenges and insights, and explore collaborative opportunities. As we connect regularly as a network, our intention is to amplify our individual efforts and sustain our commitment to follow Jesus as part of God’s mission toward holistic and just peace.
Advent Peacebuilding Experience: Seven Practices for a More Hopeful World
Building peace can feel like a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. It’s something that happens when each one of us commits to cultivating practices that lead us toward understanding, connection, and collaboration with our neighbors. We’ve put together 7 things that everyone can do to move toward peace, and we invite you to join us and the rest of the Peace Catalyst community as we walk through each of these 7 steps together this Advent season. You don’t have to have any peacebuilding experience. We’ve put together everything you need, and we’ll be modeling each step for you to give you some inspiration.
Where Do We Go From Here? Following Jesus as Peacemakers After the Election
“Othering” has fueled this election, and both parties have described the other as a threat to democracy and the potential end of America. So, after this ultra-polarizing event, where do we go from here?
Join author and peacemaker Andrew DeCort and Peace Catalyst’s Peter Digitale Anderson to discuss Andrew’s new book, Blessed Are the Others: Jesus’ Way in a Violent World. We’ll explore what the Beatitudes have to say to our contemporary moment and how the path of peacemaking can lead us into a new future.
CPN Collaborative Conversations
Join our bi-monthly connection and networking meeting to meet fellow peacebuilders from around the globe, share challenges and insights, and explore collaborative opportunities. As we connect regularly as a network, our intention is to amplify our individual efforts and sustain our commitment to follow Jesus as part of God’s mission toward holistic and just peace.
Bridging Difficult Divides: Connecting Across Differences in this Election Season
Just weeks away from the presidential election, the US feels incredibly tense and polarized. These tensions show up in our families and communities as well as in the news and national politics. Moments of conflict are often scary to us because we fear the battle these “tricky topics” might spark. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Join us for this introductory experiential workshop on the basics of dialogue.
Reclaiming Identity As Part of Peacebuilding Work
Ron Kraybill’s “Cycle of Reconciliation” suggests that reconciliation, rather than erasing the past, is a long-lasting process that goes through several stages. One of the steps in this cycle is “reclaiming identity,” a deeply significant step in moving people past the addiction to or repetition of violence and retaliation. But as people who work at the intersection of conflict and difference, we ourselves can at times get caught up in crossfire. Join us as Jonny Clark of Corrymeela leads us through some self reflection on reclaiming our identity and how we look after ourselves as peace builders.
Practicing Hope in Times of War: How PCI Peacebuilders Are Working for Peace in Israel and Palestine
The war in Gaza has been going on for almost a full year. At Peace Catalyst, we believe that God’s mission is to build a holistic and just peace and that our calling as Christians is to follow Jesus in the work of peacebuilding. That includes peacebuilding in the context of Israel and Palestine. On this call our peacebuilders will be talking about what the Church should be learning/doing and how everyday people can be engaged.
Embracing the Fullness of Biblical Peace: The Challenge of God's Peace in a Divided Society
So many of today's struggles and conflicts can seem overwhelming and intractable. Often, our instinct is to make these conflicts simply go away by ignoring them, giving up what we care about, or fighting to destroy the other side. At Peace Catalyst, we believe the Bible shows us a deep and transformative view of working for reconciliation in the midst of painful conflict. Join us for an introductory workshop on how to build holistic, biblical peace in the midst of conflict.
Identity & Conflict: How Our Identities Shape Our Experiences and Affect Us in Conflict
How are our identities related to dignity and inherent worth? How are violations of dignity at the root of conflict? And how can identities be weaponized by leaders to create divisions and conflict? In this interactive workshop, held on the International Day of Peace, we’ll explore the complex interplay between our identities and the conflicts we face. With the U.S. election on the horizon, grappling with how our identities shape political discourse and "identity politics" has never been more important.
Six Steps for Challenging Christian Nationalism: A Public Lecture with Peace Catalyst International on Building Peace Amid Polarization and Violent Extremism
This free lecture by Prof. Drew J. Strait will unpack key concepts and insights from his new book, Strange Worship: Six Steps for Challenging Christian Nationalism. In addition to defining Christian nationalism, Strait will discuss how it is impacting global faith communities and how faith leaders can challenge its threats to democracies and human flourishing with strategic nonviolence.
Introduction to Christian Peacebuilding Small Group (ONLINE)
Does the gospel provide a framework to address the real challenges of our world? This 6-week online small group will help you learn how conflict can become an opportunity to work toward God’s fullest vision of reality - one of justice and mutual flourishing. For USA time zones.
Diving in and Creating Change: Finding Your Way in Community Peacebuilding
We all have visions of what a "good" society might look like. But how do we get started with turning that vision into reality? Join us for this workshop to learn the three steps our team members use to build peace in our own communities and how you can use them to become a community peacebuilder where you are.
Tackling Conflict: Skills for Conflict Transformation
This 6-week online series will equip you with skills for peacebuilding and conflict transformation to reapply in both your interpersonal relationships and the wider community. It is perfect for everyday people, religious or not, and community leaders (including pastors or other religious leaders).
Trauma-Informed Approaches to Faith & Peacebuilding (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
Experiences of harm and trauma are intricately linked to cycles of conflict as people strive to satisfy unmet needs for safety, justice, and well-being. Unfortunately, our experiences of faith (including Christianity) can also contribute to spiritual, emotional, and psychological forms of harm when our faith promotes rigid us-vs-them binaries and install fear and distrust of the “other.” During our September CPN meeting, Mirela Popaja-Hadžić will offer insights from her personal journey about how our work to heal our own trauma and overcome fear-based theologies can empower us to build healthier and mutually transformative relationships as part of God’s mission to heal all things.
The Church as Peacebuilder: Engagement or Exasperation? (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
Jesus trained his followers to be peacemakers and reconcilers who love their neighbors and enemies. Peacebuilders like that Jesus! At the same time, Jesus also called Peter the rock upon which “I will build my church” (Mt 16:18), and the Bible connects following Jesus with being part of the body of Christ and the church (cf. Eph 1:22-23). This brings up a point of tension, because some peacebuilders have become exasperated and frustrated with "church" because of experiences or church hurt or understanding about the many ways Christianity and churches have contributed to harm. Can the "church" become a peacebuilding presence engaged in the work for and toward holistic just peace (shalom/eirene) or is “church” an endless source of exasperation?
Reconciling Justice: A Conversation with Palestinian Christian Peacebuilder Dr. Salim Munayer
In a time of unimaginable violence in the Middle East, how can the church imagine a future reconciliation? What wisdom can Christians gain from Jewish, Muslim, and Middle Eastern Christian concepts of justice? Join us for this conversation with Palestinian Christian Salim Munayer about his latest book, Reconciling Justice: Concepts of Justice in the Multireligious Context of Palestine/Israel. We’ll be talking about justice in each of the three Abrahamic faiths and how it relates specifically to the Palestinian/Israeli context today. We’ll end with a time of audience Q&A.
From Apathy to Action: Calling for Justice from Palestine to Minneapolis
Join us for a conversation with Palestinian pastor Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac and local Twin Cities clergy and racial justice activists about liberation and solidarity across borders, the connection and injustice in the US, Palestine, and beyond, and the moral obligation of the church to advocate for and work alongside those oppressed by state violence both locally and abroad.
Introduction to Christian Peacebuilding Small Group (ONLINE)
Does the gospel provide a framework to address the real challenges of our world? This 6-week online small group will help you learn how conflict can become an opportunity to work toward God’s fullest vision of reality - one of justice and mutual flourishing. For Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania time zones.
Imagination, Theopoetics, and Peacebuilding, with David Katibah (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
How has poetry or art influenced your imagination and understanding of justice, peace, and the Kingdom of God? If you’re a practicing Christian peacebuilder, join us for this online call to hear from David Katibah (from Telos) and to talk about this question and more.
The Power of Peacebuilding from the Margins (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
What are the challenges and obstacles we experience as peacebuilders working from the margins, and how do we navigate them? And how can experiences of marginalization equip and empower us in our work? If you’re a practicing Christian peacebuilder, join us for this online call to talk together and learn from each other about these questions and more.
Christian Theological Obstacles to Peacebuilding (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
What liberative moments have you personally experienced or seen in your community when people were freed from oppressive theologies that were doing harm? And how are you attentive to theological unlearning and relearning in your peacebuilding formation work with Christians? If you’re a practicing Christian peacebuilder, join us for this online call to talk together and learn from each other about these questions and more.
Cultivating Solidarity at the Site of Struggle (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)
How do we walk with one another meaningfully across cultures and continents in the work of peace? What considerations must we prioritize to show up effectively as allies one with another? If you’re a practicing Christian peacebuilder, join us for this online call to talk together and learn from each other about these questions and more.
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage NOW APRIL 6 (IN PERSON)
DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER, THE MARCH 30TH WALK IS NOW HAPPENING APRIL 6. Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage is a global network of 40 + autonomous Christian groups (including Peace Catalyst) who are engaging in a peaceful and prayerful show of solidarity with the people of Gaza by walking the length of the Gaza strip in cities around the world during Lent. Walks are happening in over 100 cities in 15 countries, and we’re hosting a walk in San Diego on March 30th.
Introduction to Christian Peacebuilding Small Group (ONLINE)
Does the gospel provide a framework to address the real challenges of our world? This 6-week online small group, hosted with YWAM An Cuan, will help you learn how conflict can become an opportunity to work toward God’s fullest vision of reality - one of justice and mutual flourishing.
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage (IN PERSON)
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage is a global network of 40 + autonomous Christian groups (including Peace Catalyst) who are engaging in a peaceful and prayerful show of solidarity with the people of Gaza by walking the length of the Gaza strip in cities around the world during Lent. Walks are happening in over 100 cities in 15 countries, and we’re hosting a walk in Minneapolis/St. Paul on March 23rd.
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage (IN PERSON)
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage is a global network of 40 + autonomous Christian groups (including Peace Catalyst) who are engaging in a peaceful and prayerful show of solidarity with the people of Gaza by walking the length of the Gaza strip in cities around the world during Lent. Walks are happening in over 100 cities in 15 countries, and we’re co-hosting a walk in Davis, California on March 23rd.