WATCH: Where Do We Go From Here? Following Jesus as Peacemakers After the Election

In the run-up to the 2024 U.S. election, both parties described the other as a threat to democracy and the potential end of America, and the whole election was fueled by “othering.”

So, after this ultra-polarizing event, where do we go from here?

In this conversation, author and peacemaker Andrew DeCort and Peace Catalyst’s Peter Digitale Anderson discuss Andrew’s new book, Blessed Are the Others: Jesus’ Way in a Violent World. We explore what the Beatitudes have to say to our contemporary moment and how the path of peacemaking can lead us into a new future.

Andrew received his PhD in religious and political ethics from the University of Chicago. In 2016, he founded the Institute for Faith and Flourishing in Chicago. In 2019, he co-founded the Neighbor-Love Movement in Ethiopia. IFF and NLM have reached over twenty million people with the invitation to nonviolent spirituality. Andrew has taught ethics, public theology, peace and conflict studies, and Ethiopian studies at Wheaton College, the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, and the University of Bonn. Andrew is the author of Reviving the Golden Rule: How the Ancient Ethic of Neighbor-Love Can Heal the World, Flourishing on the Edge of Faith: Seven Practices for a New We, and Bonhoeffer's New Beginning: Ethics after Devastation. His words have appeared in Foreign Policy, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the BBC, The Atlantic, The Economist, Christianity Today, Comment Magazine, Sojourners, The Other Journal, Wheaton College Magazine, The Journal of Religion, Political Theology, All Africa, BitterSweet Monthly, and numerous other platforms. Andrew writes the newsletter Stop & Think. He lives in Chicago with his wife Lily.


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