Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Tent of Nations: Olive trees, bombs in the distance, and the most beautiful sunsets

Daoud Nassar and his brother Daher own the Tent of Nations farm that sits on a hilltop outside Bethlehem and is surrounded by five Israeli settlements. The settlement bloc seeks to expel the family from the land so that another settlement can be built there. The Nassars have been fighting a legal battle within the Israeli legal system for 34 years to re-register the land in their name, and they have an upcoming hearing on July 2 in the Israeli Supreme Court.

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Reflections from Christ at the Checkpoint: What side of history will we be on?

Christ at the Checkpoint was by far the most impactful conference I’ve ever attended. Nothing can compare to hearing from Palestinian Christians themselves at this particular moment of crisis. Even while these Palestinian Christian leaders affirmed their love for Jewish people and the depth of solidarity they feel from Jewish allies around the world, they spoke with authority and clarity to call western Christians to confront our own anti-Palestinian racism and the underlying Christian Zionism that results in harmful theological and political positions. So what can we do? Here are some resources.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Why I'm going to Christ at the Checkpoint 2024

Why am I going to Christ at the Checkpoint (CATC) 2024? On the one hand, this is a simple question to answer. I’m going to CATC because I have accepted the invitation to journey to the other side of the wall to stand in solidarity with Palestinians. On the other hand, the answer requires a bit of personal history…

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

An African-American, Caucasian, and Palestinian go to a Checkpoint...

A Peace Catalyst peacemaker for several years, Andy Larsen now uses photography and his experience in the Holy Land to lead peacemaking trips to the region. This is one of his many experiences in Israel/Palestine this spring during the convergence of explosive events in the area.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Christ at the Checkpoint Video

Peace Catalyst President Rick Love spoke at this year's Christ at the Checkpoint conference in Bethlehem, and you can now watch the video of his talk. It's about 30 minutes long but worth watching to better understand the situation in Israel/Palestine. Enjoy!

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