THEOLOGY Nicole Gibson THEOLOGY Nicole Gibson

Blessed are the Peacemakers: How does the Sermon on the Mount Invite Peacemakers to Live?

True peace is not just an absence of conflict or violence; it means that relationships have been restored both individually and collectively, both personally and in society. Tragically, this lack of true peace does not just exist outside of churches. This also exists within churches and other institutions of the Christian faith, even though these entities are supposed to be places of safety, healing and restoration, and reflections of God’s Kingdom found in what the Sermon on the Mount describes - a deeply profound, “Good News” Kingdom.

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THEOLOGY Nicole Gibson THEOLOGY Nicole Gibson

Peacebuilding: A More Christlike Witness

A few questions that we keep getting have to do with the relationship between peacebuilding and Christian witness. Is peacebuilding supposed to lead to witness? Does Christian witness simply not matter in light of so much division and conflict? What is Christian witness? Is it mainly about expressing religious convictions through our words? Or is it about serving as a living example of one’s faith? Read on to see our answers.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Challenged & Encouraged by Muslim Thought Leaders

Last Tuesday evening, I had the incredible privilege to attend a lecture at the University of Sarajevo by Dr. Ahmet Kuru, Director of Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies and professor of political science at San Diego State University. He spoke about his book, Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global & Historical Comparison. As a Christian listening in with scholarly, self-reflective, and inspiring Muslim thought leaders, I was incredibly impressed and left with several takeaways.

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Christian Peacebuilding: Accessible on Both Sides of Theological & Political Aisles?

Over four weeks in the States while visiting family and friends, I was invited to preach or speak at a different church each weekend, in addition to speaking at several Christian small groups. The biggest takeaway that I have is how much American Christians are longing to hear about peacebuilding, and regardless of high levels of skepticism about how peacebuilding functions or whether it can be successful, Christians are interested to learn more and eager to put peacebuilding insights and skills into practice.

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THEOLOGY Nicole Gibson THEOLOGY Nicole Gibson

Why Your Church Should Start Training for Peacebuilding Now

Although it’s best to train for peacebuilding before conflict arrives, conflicts are already present in our personal lives, churches, and society. The time to begin training for peacebuilding is now. It’s time to get started centering peace-oriented theology and peacebuilding skills training in our churches and Christian formation so that we can learn to partner as peacebuilders to bless and heal our communities.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Who Is Mary? Christian and Muslim Perspectives

Islam and Christianity are different religions, but in both faith traditions Miriam/Mary is a revered figure and someone around whom we can have important conversations. So who is Miriam in Islam and Mary in Christianity? And where is the common ground?

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

A Conversation About Jesus at the Islamic Center of Reseda

So, what do Muslims believe about Jesus? That was one question on the minds of representatives of the Valley Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Reseda, CA, on a recent evening at a local mosque. It is indeed possible to have productive and respectful conversation with those who differ from us, and these two Reseda communities are showing us the way.

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Nicole Gibson Nicole Gibson

Looking Like Jesus: Proof Texts and Actions

I recently took my Syrian imam friend to a Christian college to speak as a guest lecturer in "Cross Cultural Communications" classes, a "Theology of Missions" class and "Church Planting" class. 

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