The God Who Weeps
This summer at the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference in Palestine, I heard so many stories full of so much pain. But the thing is, I didn’t experience any of the events told in the stories. And when this happens, there are two possible responses. One response is to say, “well that didn’t happen to me, so why should I care?” Another response is to feel the pain as if it were my own and weep.
Blessed are the Peacemakers: How does the Sermon on the Mount Invite Peacemakers to Live?
True peace is not just an absence of conflict or violence; it means that relationships have been restored both individually and collectively, both personally and in society. Tragically, this lack of true peace does not just exist outside of churches. This also exists within churches and other institutions of the Christian faith, even though these entities are supposed to be places of safety, healing and restoration, and reflections of God’s Kingdom found in what the Sermon on the Mount describes - a deeply profound, “Good News” Kingdom.
Who is Jesus? A Muslim-Christian Conversation
Who is Jesus? Both Christians and Muslims believe in Jesus and revere him highly. But how do Christianity and Islam differ in regard to Jesus’s identity? How do they agree? And how should Muslims and Christians relate to one another given these similarities and differences? In order to have open conversation about Jesus, we assembled this panel to help us understand his identity from the perspective of both faiths and address common questions.