Michael McDougle


Michael McDougle is interested in the intersection of peace studies, theology, and culture. He is from the United States, but he and his wife Lucy live in Lithuania, where he teaches Conflict Studies and English courses at LCC International University, a school that has students from over 60 countries.  

Michael and Lucy have been married for 19 years and have two teenage boys, Canaan and Max. Together, they have lived and worked in Russia, Ukraine, China, and now Lithuania.

Michael graduated with a BA in History from Texas Tech University, an MA in TESOL from Biola University, and an MA in Theology and Culture with a focus on Peace Studies from St. Stephen’s University. He is currently a PhD candidate in Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University, where his research is focused on how Palestinian liberation theologians understand and participate in the missio Dei. Michael is also a certified conflict mediator through Dialogue for Peaceful Change. Besides English, he also speaks Russian and some Mandarin Chinese.  

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