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Peacebuilders’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

June 30-July 11

Customized pilgrimage options also available— click here for more information.

The Peacebuilder’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is an immersive learning journey through the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel, led by experienced peacebuilding practitioners. This unique pilgrimage goes beyond traditional site-seeing to engage deeply with the present-day realities of life under occupation, allowing participants to witness firsthand the efforts for peace and justice in a deeply divided region. Our itinerary includes visits to places such as Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and the Gaza envelope.

While most Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land focus on ancient sites and “walking where Jesus walked,” few engage with the modern communities on the ground or consider the context of Jesus’s words as one who lived under Roman military occupation. Our pilgrimage not only connects you with the historic Jesus but also with the living Christ, who offers hope to suffering communities today.

Our goal is to help you see a larger and more nuanced story. With the guidance of seasoned leaders who know how to navigate the logistical and bureaucratic roadblocks, you’ll learn about the history and current challenges of Christians, Muslims, and Jews in this land. Together, we’ll explore how faith and ethnicity are being weaponized—and how local peacebuilders are working across deep divisions to create hope amidst one of the longest-running conflicts in modern history.

April 10

Peacebuilding & Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)