Martin Brooks


Martin has been with Peace Catalyst since 2011 when he and his wife Susan returned from Turkish Cyprus. Drawing on the teachings and examples of Jesus, Martin has worked with local churches and mosques to create safe spaces to ask questions and build greater trust between Christians and Muslims.  He has organized dialogue events, iftar meals and “Peace Feasts” with Palestinians, Syrians, Turks, Pakistanis, Somalis, Kurds, and Iranians. A gifted collaborator, he works with city officials, refugee agencies, local clergy and interfaith groups to seek the peace of the city and mutual thriving for all. 

Martin served as Peace Catalyst President for four years, and as Peace Catalyst’s Director of Partnerships, he organized a cooperative effort between Peace Catalyst International, World Vision, World Relief, Sojourners, National Association of Evangelicals, Pathways Center for Mutual Respect at Yale University, Evangelicals for Social Action, Global Immersion Project, National Latino Evangelical Coalition and Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding. This partnership was called Evangelicals for Peace and brought together evangelical groups to help the churches understand foreign policy issues through the lens of the Prince of Peace. 

Martin has a Masters of International Relations from Near East University. He has lived with his family in Portugal, Mozambique, Ghana, and Turkish Cyprus and overseen missions, relief, and development projects in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Mozambique, Morocco, South Sudan and Tanzania. Martin is married to Susan Brooks who uses her artistic skills as a visual peacemaker. They are based in Louisville, Kentucky with their three children and ten grandchildren nearby.

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