Steve Schallert


Steve Schallert is a peacebuilder, organiser, educator and practitioner of Kingian-Nonviolent Conflict Transformation living and practicing in Cape Town, South Africa. Mentored by the Catholic Worker Movement and Plowshares tradition, for the past two decades Steve has helped develop and facilitate dozens of conflict transformation schools and projects in diverse conflict and post-conflict contexts such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, and South Africa. His current passions centre on supporting and developing young peace and justice practitioners who are engaged in healing the walls of hostility within their communities.

Locally, Steve serves as the Director of International Solidarity with Iziko Lamaqabane, a faith-based support centre for urban peace and justice practitioners throughout Africa. By working in relational solidarity with local practitioners, Iziko Lamaqabane serves those active at the site of struggle by facilitating spaces of retreat, exchange and collective learning grounded at the intersection of anabaptism, black liberation theology & critical consciousness.

Steve is currently finishing his MA in Peace & Justice from St Stephens University with a focus on public theology. He’s married to Diane Schallert, the founder and director of Stronger Together Cape Town, an NPO dedicated to healing historical, social and personal trauma through fitness and community empowerment. Together they have five wild children - Margot, Vera, Desmond, Fable, and Ames.

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Instagram - @steveschallert


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