Video: Sheena Iyengar on the Art of Choosing
Sheena Iyengar, a leading expert in choice theory, speaks about the ways people from different cultures make decisions. She shares several interesting insights from case studies from around the world, revealing that not all cultures thrive on the belief that the individual is the locus of decision making, as most of Westerners have been brought up to enjoy. She points out several assumptions we often make when it comes to the subject of decision making.
- When do you feel overwhelmed by decisions? (event, place, person, time)
- What is your process in making a decision?
- What or who influences your decisions? (advertisements, media, peers, parents, Bible)
How well do these influences reflect your values? - Ask a friend from another culture how he or she makes decisions. If it is different from the way you do, what do you like about his/her choice-making culture?