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Tackling Conflict: Skills for Conflict Transformation

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Wednesdays | Sept 18, 25 & Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23

3:00-4:30pm Central Europe time / 9:00-10:30am USA Eastern

Through interactive workshops and collective learning, this 6-week online series will equip you with lenses and skills for peacebuilding and conflict transformation, both to reapply in your interpersonal relationships and the wider community. These workshops are not lecture-based; instead, they build understanding and skills through group interaction and based on the challenges and collective wisdom that every participant brings with them into the group.

This “Tackling Conflict” workshop series is perfect for everyday people, religious or not, and community leaders (including pastors or other religious leaders) who are eager to learn peacebuilding paradigms and conflict transformation skills that can be easily applied in your relationships and communities. This workshop series is intended as a launching pad to help you personally begin to live as a peacebuilder, and to give you resources and support to invite friends, family, and colleagues along on the journey. 

What will these workshops include?

You can expect a highly interactive experience, with dynamic interactions, group work, and collective learning, in which you’ll build understanding about the topics based on the experiences, challenges, and insight that the group brings with them. These workshops are most powerful when participants bring their full selves to each session and develop trust as a group, so we request that you commit to being present for all the sessions in order to facilitate your own learning and the learning of others.

Over six weeks, we’ll explore the following themes:

  • Identity & Conflict

  • Destructive & Constructive Conflict 

  • What is Peace & How Do We Get There? 

  • Group Dynamics & Empathy

  • Breaking Cycles of Harm

  • Getting to “Win-Win” Solutions

Course Dates & Time


This series is held online via Zoom. Each week, you can expect an interactive element at the beginning of the meeting. Then the group will reflect together on that experience to build collective understanding about the challenges, questions, nuanced understanding, and best practices related to the theme in question. Each session will also include resources, graphics, and additional recommended reading sources to equip you with generalized principles and practices that you'll be able to reapply in your relationships and community.


This weekly meeting will include participants from around the world, so please check the time zones below carefully. 

Wednesdays – September 18, 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 (2024)

  • United States: 

    • East Coast – 9:00-10:30 am

    • Central – 8:00-9:30 am

    • Mountain – 7:00-8:30 am

    • Pacific – 6:00-7:30 am

  • Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania

    • West Africa Time, UK, Portugal – 2:00-3:30 pm

    • Central Europe, Central Africa – 3:00-4:30 pm

    • Eastern Europe, Eastern Africa, Middle East – 4:00-5:30 pm

    • Pakistan – 6:00-7:30 pm

    • India – 6:30-8:00 pm

    • South Korea – 10:00-11:30 pm

Meet Your Facilitators

Bryan Carey is a peacebuilding consultant, conflict transformation trainer, and Director of International Peacebuilding for Peace Catalyst International. Bryan and his family have lived in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina since 2017, where they have been learning alongside and supporting the work of Muslim, Catholic, and Orthodox peacebuilders. Bryan also hosts workshops, conducts training, and teaches about peace-oriented theology, peacebuilding practices, and how Christian groups can get involved in community peacebuilding. He regularly organizes learning experiences for international and regional Balkan participants that cultivate understanding and empathy for the narratives of other groups, ultimately with the aim to deepen relational connections that allow for collaborative work toward justice and positive peace. As part of his work with Peace Catalyst, he also helps coordinate the Christian Peacebuilding Network, an ethnically, geographically, and organizationally diverse community of Christian peacebuilding practitioners looking to contribute to the growing Christian peacebuilding movement. 


Philip Kankungulu lives in Kampala, Uganda and is a pastor and seminary graduate. As the team leader and founder of Crossing Lines Africa and a founding member of the African Peace Warriors Network in 2013 (part of Global Peace Warriors), Philip works as a peacebuilding mobilizer, promoting peace-oriented theologies and facilitating conflict transformation training around the Great Lakes Region of Africa and beyond. In addition to his peacebuilding and conflict transformation work, he has worked extensively with faith leaders in refugee settlements and internally displaced people settlements in Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, D.R.Congo, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi because he sees all work to heal individuals and groups as part of God’s reconciling mission.

September 10

Trauma-Informed Approaches to Faith & Peacebuilding (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)

September 18

Diving in and Creating Change: Finding Your Way in Community Peacebuilding