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Embracing the Fullness of Biblical Peace: The Challenge of God's Peace in a Divided Society

So many of today's struggles and conflicts can seem overwhelming and intractable. Often, our instinct is to make these conflicts simply go away by ignoring them, giving up what we care about, or fighting to destroy the other side.

At Peace Catalyst, we believe the Bible shows us a deep and transformative view of working for reconciliation in the midst of painful conflict. Rather than fighting or fleeing, the peace of the Bible, shalom, invites us into the hard work of moving toward conflict with the long-term vision of flourishing for all and true reconciliation—that is, just and caring relationships—with our enemies.

Join us for an introductory experiential workshop and practice using the lens of Biblical peace, including:

  1. A brief theological introduction to peace—shalom—in the Bible

  2. An understanding of "right relationships" as the heart of peace and justice

  3. Imagining together how God's shalom vision might grow amidst a current conflict

This workshop is designed to be interactive and conversational. We invite you to attend with the intention to set aside other distractions and engage fully.

Because this workshop will feature frequent sharing from participants, it will NOT be recorded. It is only available as a live event.

September 21

Identity & Conflict: How Our Identities Shape Our Experiences and Affect Us in Conflict

September 22

Practicing Hope in Times of War: How PCI Peacebuilders Are Working for Peace in Israel and Palestine