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The Church as Peacebuilder: Engagement or Exasperation? (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)

This call is hosted by the Christian Peacebuilding Network (CPN), a multi-org group we helped found, and is part of a series of monthly conversations to help connect Christian peacebuilders and discuss themes related to peacebuilding and the Christian faith.

Jesus trained his followers to be peacemakers and reconcilers who love their neighbors and enemies. At the same time, Jesus also called Peter the rock upon which “I will build my church” (Mt. 16:18), and the Bible connects following Jesus with being part of the body of Christ and the church (cf. Eph 1:22-23). This brings up a point of tension, because some peacebuilders have become exasperated and frustrated with "church" because of personal experiences or church hurt or awareness of the many ways Christianity and churches have contributed to harm.

So, can the "church" become a peacebuilding presence engaged in the work toward holistic just peace (shalom/eirene), or is “church” an endless source of exasperation?

During our August CPN meeting, we’ll delve into this relationship between the church and peacebuilding with Phil Wagler, the Global Director of the Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN), a commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. Phil will offer insights from his experience working with evangelical alliances about the reasons why “church” can be so exasperating, what renewal might look like, and the unique opportunities for local churches to engage in impactful and hope-filled peacebuilding. Kiran Peter, Executive Director of Weaving People to Grow Foundation, based in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, will also share about her experience with PRN and the important role of networks to build bridges between local organizations, larger church bodies, and wider networks.

If you’re a Christian peacebuilder, join us for this online discussion to talk and process together about the following questions.

Discussion questions:

  • What is Jesus's vision for the church as peacebuilder?

  • What does he even mean by "church" anyway?

  • What are the unique opportunities for the local church to build peace in ways that are radically hopeful for the sake of the world?

  • Why does the "church" exasperate us so often, and what is required for renewal of Jesus’s vision for his body?


3:00pm Central Europe / Central Africa (4:00pm East Africa Time / Jerusalem, 2:00pm UK, 9:00am USA Eastern, 6:30pm India Time)


Phil Wagler

Phil Wagler joined works as the Global Director of the Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN), a commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. Phil first joined PRN as the North American regional coordinator in 2019 and became PRN Global Director in 2022. Phil grew up in Ontario, Canada and by God's grace became a follower of Jesus in his late teens. His theological, leadership and mission studies and life experiences have equipped him for the pastoral, mission agency, and college ministry assignments God has called him to. He is deeply committed to inspiring and equipping the local church for holistic mission and the ministry of reconciliation and is author of numerous publications. Phil and his family live in British Columbia, Canada.

David is passionate about supporting transitional justice and conflict transformation in the Middle East as an American of Syrian descent. He also believes in the transformative power of Christian communities claiming their call to be peacemakers in the U.S. and beyond. His voice can be heard hosting the Telos Check-In podcast, and his writing can be found on his Substack, “Awakenings.”

Kiran Peter

Kiran Peter is Executive Director of Weaving People to Grow Foundation (WPTG) based in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Kiran is a wife and mother and through WPTG works to promote peaceful coexistence among diverse communities and end injustice and poverty through socio-economic humanitarian development and advocacy. She is a member of the Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN) Asia team.

August 8

Reconciling Justice: A Conversation with Palestinian Christian Peacebuilder Dr. Salim Munayer

September 10

Trauma-Informed Approaches to Faith & Peacebuilding (ONLINE Christian Peacebuilding Network call)