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Reconciling Justice: A Conversation with Palestinian Christian Peacebuilder Dr. Salim Munayer

In a time of unimaginable violence in the Middle East, how can the Church imagine a future reconciliation? What wisdom can Christians gain from Jewish, Muslim, and Middle Eastern Christian concepts of justice?

Join us for a conversation with Palestinian Christian Salim Munayer about his latest book, Reconciling Justice: Concepts of Justice in the Multireligious Context of Palestine/Israel. We’ll be talking about justice in each of the three Abrahamic faiths and how it relates specifically to the Palestinian/Israeli context today.

We’ll end our conversation with a time of audience Q&A.

12pm EST / 7pm Palestine

Dr. Munayer is an author, peacebuilder, and the founder and Senior Consultant of Musalaha Vision of Reconciliation, an organization dedicated to fostering reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians since 1990.

Note: this live conversation will be recorded


Salim J. Munayer is the founder and Senior Consultant of Musalaha Vision of Reconciliation, an organization dedicated to fostering reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians since 1990. Born in Lod, Salim is a Palestinian-Israeli and one of six children. He holds a BA in History and Geography from Tel Aviv University, an MA from Fuller Theological Seminary, has undertaken graduate studies in New Testament at Pepperdine University, and earned his Ph.D. from the Oxford Center of Mission Studies in the UK. His doctoral research focused on “The Ethnic Identity of Palestinian Arab Christian Adolescents in Israel.” Salim has authored several books on reconciliation, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the experiences of Christians in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. His notable works include "Through My Enemy’s Eyes: Envisioning Reconciliation in Israel-Palestine," co-authored with Lisa Loden, and "Journey Through the Storm: Lessons from Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation." He served as the academic dean of Bethlehem Bible College from 1989 to 2008 and continues to teach there. Additionally, he is an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Salim also serves as the Coordinator for the PRN NENA Region on behalf of the WEA. Salim is married to Kay, the founder of the Daylight Project, a charity promoting social justice for marginalized groups in Palestinian and Israeli society. Kay also is a contributor to Another’s Voice, a blog offering hopeful perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Together, they have four adult sons: Jack, Daniel, John, and Samuel.

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