Sponsor the Rick Love Peacebuilding Awards

Dr. Rick Love, the late Founder and President of Peace Catalyst International, dreamed of mobilizing people around the globe into a peacebuilding movement. Everyone who knew him knew this was his passion and that he worked tirelessly toward it. He founded Peace Catalyst because of that dream and dedicated the last ten years of his life to peacebuilding, courageously crossing social, political, and ideological divides and inviting others to do the same. He did so because of his Jesus-centered approach to all of life.

To honor Rick’s legacy, to further his vision, and to raise up more peacebuilders like him, Peace Catalyst has presented the first and second annual Rick Love Peace Awards.

Your gift will continue these awards into future years and will provide funds to be given directly to peacebuilders who creatively cross divides, exhibiting the same character and courage displayed by Rick.